Surveying the port waters 2016
Baltic Sea. Gulf of Finland. Tallinn Bay
Projection Mercator (59 ̊29’54,15″). Horizontal datum WGS-84.
Depths 1977 year. Baltic system.
Created 25.05.2016. Author: Aleksandr Kamilov
Hydrographic surveying
Hydrographic surveying was conducted during September-November 2014. The level was measured by GPS real kinematic method. Measured data recording, the synchronization of the input data and the ellipsoid – geoid ( EstGeoid ) transformation took place by sonar.
Scheme of measured area
Surveyed 41 hectares.
Coordinates in national EST97 L-system.
Created by P.Ude.
Measured: 06.09.2013.
Quay No 4
Mercator Projection ( 59 ° 29’53,25 ” ). Horizontal datum WGS – 84. Depths 1977 a . Baltic system. Completed: September 12, 2013 a. Work carried out by: Alexander Kamilov, LOTRELL LLC.
Quay No 10
Hydrographic surveying accordance with the requirements of the ERI classes of (IHO standard S-44). Job No. M14088. The coordinate system WGS-84 and L-EST97. Projection Lambert conical. Depths BK77 system. Hydrographic surveying. Measuring Marine Center LLC. Measurement: 29.09 & amp; 11/16/2014. Printout: 17/11/2014
Geodetic Pair
The survey used GeoNet GPS ( base stations to the network founded by Geosoft OÜ. GeoNet GPS base stations are connected to the national transmission grid, and the data described in the Land Board of Geodesy and Cartography Department of Archives.
Data Processing
Plaani joonestamiseks kasutati AutoCAD-i ja PDS2000 tarkvara. Lamberti koonilise konformse projektsiooni ristkoordinaatidest arvutati geodeetilised koordinaadid WGS-84 projektsioonis programmiga TRANSDAT Ver 12.04 (Licensed for „Peeter Ude, Tallinn“, koostanud C.Killet Software Ing-GbR).